I’m one of those rare ad nerds who did not go to portfolio school. Instead I took the long way around.

I learned from Luerzer’s Archive mags and transcribing commercials I liked on TV into scripts. I burned enough midnight oil to keep the midnight oil industry in business. That work ethic along with a Midwest chip on my shoulder is what I built my career on. And whether by luck or sheer tyranny of will it landed me in some interesting places, working and learning under some really brilliant people. These days I try to pass those things I’ve learned on to others along with some of my own philosophies. Things like you can be kind and do great work at the same time. Write ideas on index cards. Write about funny things don’t try to write funny.

I’ve made a lot of things. Many of them are good. They helped sell product, make clients or my boss’s look good or nabbed a headline. Some even won some awards.

Hopefully the work does the rest of the talking.

Some other things:

I’m an avid reader. You can often find me with multiple books at a time. Usually Sci-fi/Fantasy and Non-fiction.

I love comics.

Fitness geek. Currently working on getting my Trainers Certification.

I have two cats named Gus and Al.

I have a wife who works in finance who’s a better artist than most artists I know.

Massive Arsenal supporter.

Contact me at Aaroncathey808@gmail.com




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